Friday, August 26, 2011

Pregnancy Nutrition

Pregnancy Nutrition

Conception and early pregnancy are critical times for fetal development because the baby's organs and other vital systems are beginning to develop.  This development can be affected by the mother's nutritional intake at the time.  A pregnant woman needs to take care of herself and her unborn child by eating properly and avoiding certain things.

Let's Talk Pregnancy, a valuable, informational and educational blog, can help guide you in the right direction for your pregnancy nutrition.  It's also very important to work closely with your doctor to ensure that you're making the right decisions for your health and that of your unborn baby.

If you are a smoker, please try to quit.  Smoking isn't good for your health and can contribute to low birth weight babies and premature birth.  Do NOT consume alcohol in any form.  The adverse affects that alcohol can have on your fetus aren't worth the risk of that glass of wine.  Fetal Alcohol Syndrome can be devastating.  Soft cheeses should also not be eaten because of high bacteria counts and all fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly washed.  Pregnant women should also avoid any foods containing raw eggs and ensure that poultry is well-cooked.

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Vitamins and Minerals
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